Why MUN?

“To practice tolerance and live together in peace with another as good neighbours”

from Preamble to the Charter of the United Nations


What is MUN?

A students’ conference to promote understanding of international politics and crucial issues of today’s society. It follows the rules of UN (United Nations) debates: every participant plays the role of delegate of a member country of UN. Each delegate represents the position of his/her country , writes resolutions and debates ideas in a general assembly looking for solutions to worlwide problems. English is the language of communication. 

MUN origins

MUN started in the USA as a university activity in 20s. It spread in American high schools in 50s just after the birth of the United Nations (1945). The most popular MUNs in the USA are Harvard and New York while the most famous in Europe are THIMUN in Holland, PAMUN in Paris, HMUN in London, SAIMUN in Dublin, GEMUN in Genova.


MUN types

There are two different types of MUN: MUN with RESOLUTION written BEFORE the actual event. This is a competitive MUN where delegates go around to persuade other delegates to vote for their resolution. The winners are the most diplomatic delegates. MUN with resolution written together after long discussion in committees: this is the case of NHSMUN in New York in 2012 and RCIMUN in Istanbul in 2013.