Let’s open this page with a quote by Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the United Nations ( 1997-2006), praising knowledge as the key to happiness in the world: The first ingredient of political stability is an informed citizen. The first ingredient of economic progress is a skilled worker. And the first ingredient of social justice is an enlightened society. Education is thus the key to global peace and prosperity”.


The CFMUNESCO Committees of Cividale del Friuli will focus on issues concerning the promotion of education, science and culture. The Human Rights, the Disarmament and the Environment Committees will host a number of 35 delegates each and will enhance the importance of protecting and preserving the respect of fundamental rights and freedoms, a peaceful coexistence and sustainable forms of life respectively. In all abovementioned Committees a resolution-based debate will take place, thus delegates are kindly invited to arrive prepared to the conference. The Security Council will encompass 15 better-experienced delegates and the debates here will occur on a clause-by-clause basis.

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