Among the topics discussed during the CFMUNESCO conference we can mention the following:
- The question of the Prevention of the Recruitment of Foreign Fighters debated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;
- The question of the Establishment of a Female Microcredit for Women in charge of the Commission on the Status of Women;
- The question of Refugee protection and international Migration analyzed by the Red Cross Movement;
- The question of Threats to International Peace and Security caused by Terrorists infiltrated between Migrants handled by the Security Council;
- The question of the Restitution of World Heritage Artworks to their Original Countries dealt with by the UNESCO Committee;
- The question of Pollution derived from the Disposal of Electronic Waste explored by the Environment Committee.
Microcredit for Women
Disposal of Electronic Waste
Refugee protection and international Migration
Terrorists infiltrated among Migrants
Restitution of Artworks to their Original Countries
Prevention of the Recruitment of Foreign Fighters